[知識分享站] 沙塵暴來襲!先帶口罩再出門!



對於一般民眾來說,由於沙塵暴帶來的空氣中懸浮微粒增加,造成空氣品質惡化,容易造成過敏性鼻炎,引發咳嗽、氣喘、眼睛不適、皮膚過敏、皮膚癢等症狀,對於患有呼吸道或心血管疾病的民眾會有明顯的影響。根據公共衛生資料庫「Global Health」收錄有關沙塵暴對人體健康與公共衛生影響的文獻顯示,除了造成空氣污染之外,最早於1994年的文獻中,作者就發現美國華盛頓州的醫院在沙塵暴來襲的期間,院內因呼吸道疾病而求診的民眾多出兩成(Hefflin, 1994)。最近在2008年時,台灣學者也發現在2000到2004年間的沙塵暴期間,醫院因呼吸道疾病求診的病患有明顯的增加(Lai, 2008))。而沙塵暴帶來的懸浮粒子與臭氧濃度的增加,在2008年哈佛大學長達10年的臨床研究也發現,沙塵暴對於心血管疾病患者的健康有顯著影響 (Middleton, 2008)。



Global Health中關於沙塵暴與呼吸道疾病相關的查詢結果:
  1.  Ahmadi, H., & Jelodar, Z. J. (2004). Effect of combat to desertification projects on socio-economic situation of Kerman City. BIABAN, 9(2), 207-225.
  2. Chan, C., Chuang, K., Chen, W., Chang, W., Lee, C., & Peng, C. (2008). Increasing cardiopulmonary emergency visits by long-range transported Asian dust storms in Taiwan. Environmental Research, 106(3), 393-400.
  3. Chang, C., Lee, I., Tsai, S., & Yang, C. (2006). Correlation of Asian dust storm events with daily clinic visits for allergic rhinitis in Taipei, Taiwan. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 2006. 69(3/4), 229-235.
  4. Chen, Y., Sheen, P., Chen, E., Liu, Y., Wu, T., & Yang, C. (2004). Effects of Asian dust storm events on daily mortality in Taipei, Taiwan. Environmental Research, 95(2), 151-155.
  5. Cheng, M., Ho, S., Chiu, H., Wu, T., Chen, P., & Yang, C. (2008). Consequences of exposure to Asian dust storm events on daily pneumonia hospital admissions in Taipei, Taiwan. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 2008. 71(19), 1295-1299.
  6. Hefflin, B. J., Jalaludin, B., McClure, E., Cobb, N., Johnson, C. A., Jecha, L., et al. (1994). Surveillance for dust storms and respiratory diseases in Washington State, 1991. Archives of Environmental Health, 49(3), 170-174.
  7. Kelsall, H. L., Sim, M. R., Forbes, A. B., McKenzie, D. P., Glass, D. C., Ikin, J. F., et al. (2004). Respiratory health status of Australian veterans of the 1991 Gulf War and the effects of exposure to oil fire smoke and dust storms. Thorax, 59(10), 897-903.
  8. Lai, L., & Cheng, W. (2008). The impact of air quality on respiratory admissions during Asian dust storm periods. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 18(6), 429-450.
  9. Meng, Z., & Lu, B. (2007). Dust events as a risk factor for daily hospitalization for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in Minqin, China. Atmospheric Environment, 41(33), 7048-7058.
  10. Meng, Z., Zhang, J., Geng, H., Lu, B., & Zhang, Q. (2007). The influence of dust storms on daily respiratory and circulatory outpatient number. China Environmental Science, 27(1), 116-120.
  11. Middleton, N., Yiallouros, P., Kleanthous, S., Kolokotroni, O., Schwartz, J., Dockery, D. W., et al. (2008). A 10-year time-series analysis of respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity in Nicosia, Cyprus: the effect of short-term changes in air pollution and dust storms. Environmental Health, 7(39), (22 July 2008).
  12. Prospero, J. M., Blades, E., Naidu, R., Mathison, G., Thani, H., & Lavoie, M. C. (2008). Relationship between African dust carried in the Atlantic trade winds and surges in pediatric asthma attendances in the Caribbean. International Journal of Biometeorology, 52(8), 823-832.
Global Health中關於沙塵暴與心血管疾病相關的查詢結果:
  1. Chan, C., Chuang, K., Chen, W., Chang, W., Lee, C., & Peng, C. (2008). Increasing cardiopulmonary emergency visits by long-range transported Asian dust storms in Taiwan. Environmental Research, 106(3), 393-400.
  2. Chen, Y., & Yang, C. (2005). Effects of Asian dust storm events on daily hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease in Taipei, Taiwan. (Special issue: Overview of research activities of the toxicology and environmental health communities of Taiwan.). Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 2005. 68(17/18), 1457-1464.
  3. Meng, Z., & Lu, B. (2007). Dust events as a risk factor for daily hospitalization for respiratory and cardiovascular diseases in Minqin, China. Atmospheric Environment, 41(33), 7048-7058.
  4. Middleton, N., Yiallouros, P., Kleanthous, S., Kolokotroni, O., Schwartz, J., Dockery, D. W., et al. (2008). A 10-year time-series analysis of respiratory and cardiovascular morbidity in Nicosia, Cyprus: the effect of short-term changes in air pollution and dust storms. Environmental Health, 7(39), (22 July 2008).
  5. Ueng, T., Yang, C., & Kuo, M. (2005). Overview of research activities of the toxicology and environmental health communities of Taiwan. (Special issue: Overview of research activities of the toxicology and environmental health communities of Taiwan.). [Journal issue]. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 2005. 68(17/18), 1445-1597.
  6. Yang, C., Chen, Y., Chiu, H., & Goggins, W. B. (2005). Effects of Asian dust storm events on daily stroke admissions in Taipei, Taiwan. Environmental Research, 99(1), 79-84.
  7. Yang, C., Cheng, M., & Chen, C. (2009). Effects of Asian dust storm events on hospital admissions for congestive heart failure in Taipei, Taiwan. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 2009. 72(5), 324-328.
CAB Abstracts中有關沙塵暴與浮游生物的相關文獻
  1. Breuning-Madsen, H., & Awadzi, T. W. (2005). Harmattan dust deposition and particle size in Ghana. Catena, 63(1), 23-38.
  2. Pulido-Villena, E., Reche, I., & Morales-Baquero, R. (2008). Evidence of an atmospheric forcing on bacterioplankton and phytoplankton dynamics in a high mountain lake. Aquatic Sciences, 70(1), 1-9.
  3. Yang, D., Wu, J., Chen, S., & Lu, Q. (2007). The teleconnection between marine silicon supply and desertification in China. [Journal Article]. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 25(1), 116-122.
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