而要了解這樣一位大師,絕對要利用GALE—Literature Resource Center (LRC)線上文學全文資料庫,因為它收錄Gale 數十年來最引以為傲的大部頭文學參考系列。內容包括:科幻、寫實(小說)、詩、戲劇、歷史、新聞學(報紙)等傳記、書目和評論。而像馬克•吐溫(Mark Twain)的生平、事蹟、作品以及相關的書籍介紹和評論(Criticism)都能夠幫助我們全面地了解他的文學魅力。
透過資料庫可查檢到相關的文學評論 (Literature Criticism)、傳記資料 (Biographies)、主題與作品概覽 (Topic $ Work Overviews) 、評論與新聞 (Reviews & News) 、一手資料及文學作品 (Primary Sources & Literary Works)、多媒體資 (Multimedia)等各種類型的資源。他最著名的作品應該是"《湯姆歷險記》The Adventures of Tom Sawyer ",主要是敘述19世紀中葉,在美國的密蘇里州聖彼得斯堡(St. Petersburg,為故事中虛構的城市)。住著一位叫湯姆‧索耶(Tom Sawye)的少年。父母很早就過世的湯姆和席德被波麗阿姨收養,每天都和朋友到山林裡亂跑,對於調皮搗蛋的湯姆,波麗阿姨拿他很沒輒。在後來湯姆認識了許多的人,還有為了一些發生過的事情而被接受訪問,他就靠著那些經驗慢慢的成長,但是湯姆還是和以前一樣一邊學習一邊遊玩。(下面是檢索資料庫獲得的相關文獻資料)
- Nance, Donna. "American News Company; Ancorp National Services." American Literary Publishing Houses, 1638-1899. Ed. Peter Dzwonkoski. Detroit: Gale Research, 1986. Dictionary of Literary Biography Vol. 49.
- "Overview: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." Characters in 19th-Century Literature. Ed. Kelly King Howes. Detroit: Gale Research, 1993.
- Sandock, Mollie. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer: Overview." Reference Guide to American Literature. Ed. Jim Kamp. 3rd ed. Detroit: St. James Press, 1994.
- "Sawyer, Tom." Merriam Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster, 1995.
- "Overview: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer." Characters in Children's Literature. Raymond E. Jones. Detroit: Gale, 1997.
若再以更專業的文學評論(Literature Criticism)角度來切入,除了一般針對作家的各項作品之相關的創作分析和文學評論之外,針對馬克•吐溫本身在文學領域的貢獻和評價,亦有很多相關的評論,透過這些精闢的論析文字,這都有助於我們去理解大師所散發的風采和他的作品對於後世的影響力:
- Gerber, John C. "Mark Twain: Overview." Reference Guide to American Literature. Ed. Jim Kamp. 3rd ed. Detroit: St. James Press, 1994.
- Higgins, James E. "Mark Twain: Overview." Twentieth-Century Children's Writers. Ed. Laura Standley Berger. 4th ed. Detroit: St. James Press, 1995. Twentieth-Century Writers Series.
- Ensor, Allison. "Mark Twain." Writers for Young Adults. Ed. Ted Hipple. Vol. 3. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1997. Scribner Writers Series.
- Camfield, Gregg. "Bends in the river: for Mark Twain, writing The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, his masterpiece, seemed easy ... but only at first." Book Nov.-Dec. 2003: 22+.
- Bush, Harold K., Jr. "Mark Twain's American Adam: humor as hope and apocalypse." Christianity and Literature 53.3 (2004): 291+.
- Gussow, Adam. "Beaten boys and frantic pets: a close reading of Tom Sawyer reveals why Mark Twain isn't nearly as funny as he thinks he is." American Scholar 74.4 (2005): 94+.
- Fears, David H. "Mark Twain Day by Day: an annotated chronology of the life of Samuel Langhorne Clemens." Mark Twain Journal 43.1-2 (2005).
資料庫:GALE—LRC (Literature Resource Center)
- 出版社:Cengage Learning
- 內容屬性:收錄文學相關的期刊、參考書、作者傳記、書目和評論的資料庫
- 適用對象:文學研究
- 試用申請:products@flysheet.com.tw
- The Offical Web Site of Mark Twain
- The Mark Twain House & Museum
- Wikipedia Introduction to Mark Twain
- Mark Twain in His Times, by Stephen Railton and the University of Virginia Library
- Project Gutenberg: Mark Twain
- Mark Twain Project, by University of California
- eTexts of the Works of Mark Twain
- 密西西比河的頑童—馬克.吐溫逝世百年特展
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